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Does Masturbating Burn Calories?

Masturbation is a natural and healthy part of human sexuality. It's a way for people to explore their bodies, find out what feels good, and relieve sexual tension. But does it also have the added bonus of burning calories?

The short answer is: probably not very many. While some energy may be burned during masturbation, it is unlikely to be significant. To understand why it's helpful to look at how many calories are burned during other physical activities. A 155-pound person will burn about 170 calories during 30 minutes of moderate-intensity swimming or around 100 calories during 30 minutes of gardening. In comparison, the number of calories burned during masturbation is likely much lower.

That being said, masturbation can still have some physical benefits. It can help reduce stress, improve sleep, increase blood flow, and stimulate the release of endorphins, which can positively affect overall physical and mental well-being. So, while masturbating might not be the most effective way to burn calories, it's still an important and enjoyable part of a healthy lifestyle. And who knows, you might even sweat in the process!

Below, we compare how many calories you burn during masturbation with those burned during other physical activities. We also discuss how you can maximize the calories burned and the other physical and emotional health benefits of regular masturbation.

How many calories can you burn while masturbating? Can it replace traditional workouts?

It is difficult to accurately estimate how many calories are burned during masturbation, as it can vary greatly depending on the individual and the intensity of the activity. Some estimates put the number of calories burned during masturbation at around 10-20 calories, but this is likely to be on the high end. In comparison, a 155-pound person will burn around 100-300 calories during a 30-minute workout, depending on the intensity of the activity. So it is clear that masturbation is not a replacement for traditional workouts when it comes to calorie burning.

How can I burn more calories while masturbating?

Masturbation is a natural and healthy part of human sexuality, and while it may not be the most effective way to burn calories, there are still ways to increase the calorie-burning potential of this activity. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Increase the intensity: Like any physical activity, the more intense the effort, the more calories you'll burn. Try using different techniques or positions that require more muscle engagement or movement, such as standing up or using a sex toy. You can also try masturbating while repeatedly squatting, which will engage your thighs and leg muscles.
  • Use a sex toy: Sex toys can provide additional stimulation and add an element of resistance, which can help increase calorie burn. For example, using a vibrator or other device that requires arm and hand movement can provide a small amount of upper-body exercise. You can also use clitoral suction vibrators, like Biirds Namii, to vigorously stimulate your clitoris to reach an intense orgasm, which will get your heart pumping.
  • Remain active during masturbation: You burn more calories when your heart starts pumping faster, so your goal should be to increase your heart rate. A relaxing masturbation experience is lovely, but it wont increase your calories burned. To burn more calories, you must stimulate your clitoris vigorously and remain active.
  • Incorporate other forms of exercise: You can also try incorporating other forms of exercise into your masturbation routine. For example, you could try doing squats over a sex toy or using a yoga ball to add an element of balance and core engagement while masturbating. For example, tantric masturbation could teach you a lot about your erogenous zones. Doing so will strengthen some of your muscles while increasing your heart rate.
  • Use a Kegel exerciser: Kegel exercisers are devices designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are important for sexual pleasure, and using a Kegel exerciser while masturbating can provide an additional workout for these muscles.

It's important to keep in mind that masturbation should be enjoyable and not feel like a chore. So, if any of these tips don't feel good or don't work for you, don't feel like you have to do them. The most important thing is to find what feels good and works best for you. No matter how vigorously you masturbate, it simply can’t provide burn as many calories as traditional workouts. So, engage in masturbation to feel good, but hit the gym to burn calories.

What are the other health benefits of masturbation?

  • Stress relief: Masturbation can help reduce stress and tension by releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins and oxytocin.
  • Improved sleep: Masturbation can also help improve sleep quality, as the relaxation and release of endorphins can help promote calm and relaxation.
  • Pain relief: Masturbation can also provide temporary relief from certain types of physical pain, such as menstrual cramps or muscle tension.
  • Increased blood flow: Masturbation can increase blood flow to the genital area, which can improve overall sexual function and sensitivity and prevent clitoral atrophy.
  • Improved self-esteem and body image: Masturbation can improve self-esteem and body image, allowing you to explore your own body and discover what feels good.
  • Safe sex: Masturbation is a safe and healthy way to explore sexuality and release sexual tension without the risk of sexually transmitted infections or unintended pregnancies.
  • Improved communication and intimacy: Masturbation can improve communication and intimacy in sexual relationships, as it allows people to better understand their desires and help open up discussions about sexual preferences with a partner.

It's important to remember that masturbation is a personal and private activity, and everyone's experience will be different. It's important to find what feels good and works best for you. At the end of the day, masturbation simply makes you feel better about yourself. Dont muddle masturbation with specific end-goals, like burning calories or getting a workout. Instead, focus on your bodys sensations, listen to your body, and do what feels good and natural. Theres no right or wrong way to masturbate — theres just your way.

Biird Namii Clitoral Stimulator

About Author
Ellie Cooper
Ellie is a freelance writer and pleasure enthusiast. She is very comfortable talking about vaginas, scaling mountains and eating spicy food, but not parallel parking. She lives with a very tubby cat named Charles who likes to get involved with the writing process by sleeping on her keyboard.
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